Huggmee Chair Review

Fire codes required us to ditch our comfy lounge seating this spring, so we had to find new furniture that met regulations.

We searched high and low for an affordable option, and stumbled across the Huggmee Chair. They're produced in Arizona by a teeny tiny mom and pop company. Online, the chairs list for $887, but when we purchased 3, we paid significantly less. Fabric options varied - we ended up choosing a faux leather/heavy-duty vinyl that met fire code regulations.

The chairs are unique because they're designed to allow users to sit in the "sling-a-leg" position - reclining backwards and throwing their legs over the chair's arm. The chairs are quite comfortable this way, though the low back makes them slightly less comfortable if you sit in a more traditional position.

Three weeks into the school year, the chairs have gotten a super warm reception from both staff and students -- I haven't heard a single complaint. Multiple kids have asked how much the chairs cost and where they can buy one. :)

Because the chairs are vinyl, they are susceptible to punctures and rips, but the company claims the vinyl is heavy-duty and repairs easily. I'll keep you posted and let you know what we think of them in June after a full year of wear and tear.


  1. Hi, this is Pete again. We have a container of genuine leather chairs arriving by November, 2015. The colors in this container will be two off-whites, one black, and two dark browns. As the quantity is limited to one container, if you are interested, you can call Alice at: (602) 373-7813, or email at: She can reserve a chair or two for you.

  2. How these chairs holding up after 5 years?


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