September Bulletin Boards

Here's a quick roundup of the library's September bulletin boards.

This bulletin board is out in our main hallway. I used it as my 9th grade orientation activity. These students are already familiar with the library, so this was the perfect refresher. Working in teams, they had to brainstorm the "best" answer to the following phrases: "In the library you can . . .", "In the library it's important to remember...", and "Our favorite thing about the library is . . ." I hung the best answers on the bulletin board in the hall -- easy-peasy.

This board is in our Computer Lab. I'm always harping on the kids to respect copyright, especially when we're posting their projects online. This is my not so subtle reminder to seek out images designated with a Creative Commons license.

We're pushing hard this year to get students to lock their workstations. Hopefully this reminder is obvious enough . . .

This last board isn't library related, but I liked the "What's Popping" theme. It would easily work for library events.


  1. Terrific bulletin board ideas! I especially appreaciate the Creative Commons display. You've inspired me to create "CC" displays in my library's two adjacent computer labs. Thanks for sharing!

  2. How did you create the letters for "The Library?" Thanks!!

  3. this is not peerfect

  4. I love how you used creative bulletin boards to engage students and reinforce important messages.


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