Sending Home Good News: Postagram
Like many schools, my district encourages us to let parents know when students are doing a great job. As a junior high librarian, it can be difficult to make these connections with parents - in the past, I haven't had reasons to call home with good OR bad news. I see students in short, two week chunks of time as they complete projects, and then when they're done with their projects, I have only casual, informal interactions with them. I'm not assigning grades, and they don't stick around long enough in the classroom to become discipline problems, so bad news phone calls to parents are never a necessity. I would, though, like to make an effort to let parents know when their child does something fantastic, even if I only get to know that student during a two-week project. Although I haven't made an effort to do so in the past, it's great publicity for the library and way to build a base of parent advocates. I just needed a way to share the good news with pare...