Tammy's Top 20 Tools
We arrived at this session late after ditching another we weren't feeling (decided with budget constraints we would do better with free products rather than paid products). We raced around and ended up on the floor of a ballroom, listening to Tammy's Top 20 Favorite Web Tools . Below is a sampling - obviously not all twenty, as we weren't on time. Plurk : Like Twitter, but the conversations are threaded. Need to join, and wait around to get friends, and hang in there a while to see the value in it. BibMe : Free bibliography maker that plugs in the information for you . So search for a book by title or author, and then BibMe pulls in the information on publisher, publishing city, date, author, etc. from Amazon. You pick the format - MLA, APA, etc. Can then download into MicrosoftOffice. Random Name Picker - Allows you to select a student at random. Enter your class list into the machine, pull the handle, and watch the "fruit picker" select a student name at ra...